Monday, June 22, 2009

We talkin' 'bout practice, not a game

I read somewhere on the Internet that it's easier to keep a hobby or training going if you keep a journal of your progress and since I implicity believe anything that I read on the Internet I've decided to create a blog that follows my progress of Scout training in Team Fortress 2. Over the last couple months I've played a lot of one-on-one games with Seth but that isn't really increasing my skill if I don't play more games on public servers and I really don't want my ability to end up stagnating because of it. In the spirit of this, I've decided to start training in pubs an hour each day and recording the games I play. After the session I'll post an entry here breaking down what I did well and what I need to work on, hopefully with helpful illustrations of how badly I sucked in a particular game.

I've got a bad habit of not keeping up stuff like this but I really want to do well as a Scout so I'm going to do my best to keep up this training regimen and keep this blog up.

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